One my the most pressing issues for new businesses is how to get visible so that you generate revenue right away. Especially in the beginning of the year the focus is to start strong and keep the momentum going throughout the rest of the year. If you have plans to to focus your efforts on marketing and visibility I invite you to listen to a class I gave about how to maximize your opportunities for exposure.
Listen online or download the 7 Steps To Brand Visibility (no opt-in required)
Its so important for brands to be able to rise above all the competition out there for people’s attention. It might be one of THE most important things for any small or starting business.
Thanks for sharing this.
Sure thing Anil, let me know how you like the audio class.
I love your audio class. Tried to download it so I could save it but couldn’t get that done!
You steps are clear and they flow…great job!
Thank you 🙂
PS I am going to listen again because I am sure I missed some things!
Thanks Jean! Do let me know if the class triggers any questions specific for your business. I’d love to help.